bypasses the profanity filter bans himself

bypasses the profanity filter bans himself - bypasses the profanity filter bans himself  Recon Number 54


blue leader, standing by

 blue leader,
 standing by

oh no, i accidentally double posted better ban myself

oh no, i accidentally double posted better ban myself

My age? I lost track a long, long, time ago. I just tend to round off to the nearest million.

My age? I lost track a long, long, time ago. I just tend to round off to the nearest million.

when i took history class we learned what was currently happening

when i took history class we learned what was currently happening

don't make fun of the dinosaurs they were my friends

don't make fun of the dinosaurs they were my friends

only two things come from texas ...and one of them is Recon

only two things come from texas ...and one of them is Recon

bypasses the profanity filter bans himself

bypasses the profanity filter bans himself

posts news article blame bad parenting

posts news article blame bad parenting

yeah i know all about technology i was there when we discovered fire

yeah i know all about technology i was there when we discovered fire

inb4 post? insta-ban ultra powers engaged gREAT job shane? no biggie, it can wait

inb4 post?  insta-ban ultra powers engaged gREAT job  shane?  no biggie, it can wait
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