"You are a vain, greedy, cruel boy!" And you are an old man and a fool!


This backyard Is under my protection

This backyard Is under my protection

It's thorsday let's get hammered

It's thorsday let's get hammered

HEIMDALL! Open the Bifrost!

HEIMDALL! Open the Bifrost!

Sit thine five dollar ass down before I maketh change

Sit thine five dollar ass down before I maketh change

By the power Of Awwsgard!

By the power Of Awwsgard!

"You are a vain, greedy, cruel boy!" And you are an old man and a fool!

You forget your place, dark elf let me remind you with whom you are dealing!

You forget your place, dark elf let me remind you with whom you are dealing!

You're big Fought Bigger

You're big Fought Bigger

move back mortals Thorgi the Thunderer will deal with these villains

move back mortals Thorgi the Thunderer will deal with these villains

Rock giants crumble under the blow of the might mjolnir I fear this brute won't be as obliging

Rock giants crumble under the blow of the might mjolnir I fear this brute won't be as obliging
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