Your dad is the best? My dad is Nigel Thornberry.

Your dad is the best? My dad is Nigel Thornberry. - Your dad is the best? My dad is Nigel Thornberry.  Unimpressed Eliza Thornberry


You taught your dog to sit? that's nice

You taught your dog to sit? that's nice

Your family bought a trailer? it probably doesn't turn into a boat

Your family bought a trailer? it probably doesn't turn into a boat

Your dad is the best? My dad is Nigel Thornberry.

Your dad is the best? My dad is Nigel Thornberry.

Cat shit on your pillow? He hates you, alot.

Cat shit on your pillow? He hates you, alot.

You went to Disney World? that's nice

You went to Disney World? that's nice

Your little brother is crazy? We literally found mine in the wild. Caption 3 goes here

Your little brother is crazy? We literally found mine in the wild. Caption 3 goes here

You have family problems? My father is a transsexual, psychopathic rapist clown who murders houseguests

You have family problems? My father is a transsexual, psychopathic rapist clown who murders houseguests

You trained your cat to use the litter box? i trained a chimp in a tanktop how to use a toilet!

You trained your cat to use the litter box? i trained a chimp in a tanktop how to use a toilet!

Cesar Millan? He's got nothing on me.

Cesar Millan? He's got nothing on me.

You have a dog? I have a fucking monkey. And it talks.

You have a dog? I have a fucking monkey.

And it talks.
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