What do homosexuals and homophobes have in common? They're both fucking assholes

What do homosexuals and homophobes have in common? They're both fucking assholes - What do homosexuals and homophobes have in common? They're both fucking assholes  Inappropriate Joke Gorilla


what's the best part about duct tape? it turns no, no, no, into mm, mm, mm

what's the best part about duct tape? it turns no, no, no, into mm, mm, mm

The difference between girls and refridgerators? Fridges don't fart when you take the meat out.

The difference between girls and refridgerators? Fridges don't fart when you take the meat out.

Girls dig guys with parkinson's it Makes them human vibrators

Girls dig guys with parkinson's it Makes them human vibrators

What's the difference between a Practical Joke and a Temperature? Nurses can take a Temperature.

What's the difference between a Practical Joke and a Temperature?

 Nurses can take a Temperature.

Why don't women have penises? So they can stand closer to the sink

Why don't women have penises? So they can stand closer to the sink

What do homosexuals and homophobes have in common? They're both fucking assholes

What do homosexuals and homophobes have in common? They're both fucking assholes

Why can't helen keller drive? because she's a woman

Why can't helen keller drive? because she's a woman

"Knock knock" "Who's there? cancer

why is six afraid of seven? because seven has AIDS!

why is six afraid of seven? because seven has AIDS!
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