Annoying Facebook Girl

its annoying how young kids already have the iphone when i was 11 i had a flip phone wow people are spoiled!!!!

its annoying how young kids already have the iphone when i was 11 i had a flip phone wow people are spoiled!!!!  Annoying Facebook Girl

i love the big bang theory haha im such a nerd lolololol

i love the big bang theory haha im such a nerd lolololol  Annoying Facebook Girl

omg It's twelve days until my half birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

omg It's twelve days until my half birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Annoying Facebook Girl

Why do people waste their time with video games? Jersey Shore night! lololol

Why do people waste their time with video games? Jersey Shore night! lololol  Annoying Facebook Girl

"I remember 2011 like it was yesterday lolz!" Thinks status is completely original

discovers annoying Facebook girl meme posts it on Facebook, "OMG THIS IS SOOOO MEEEE!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL"

discovers annoying Facebook girl meme posts it on Facebook,

Just got in a relationship 800 pictures in a new album called ~*Mah new boiifraaand <3333333333333333*~

Just got in a relationship 800 pictures in a new album called ~*Mah new boiifraaand <3333333333333333*~  Annoying Facebook Girl

last day of school before christmas break OMG see you next year lol!!!11!!1

last day of school before christmas break OMG see you next year lol!!!11!!1  Annoying Facebook Girl


Cute kitten: 100,000 LIKES SCIENTISTS CURE CANCER: 0 LIKES  Annoying Facebook Girl

OMG I hate Teenage Drivers! Is 20 years old

OMG I hate Teenage Drivers! Is 20 years old  Annoying Facebook Girl