Butthurt Dweller

Not impressed with Good guy greg one time i brought a six of Dr. pepper to a lan party

Not impressed with Good guy greg one time i brought a six of Dr. pepper to a lan party  Butthurt Dweller

obsessively writes SSM memes lives in suburb with mother

obsessively writes SSM memes lives in suburb with mother  Butthurt Dweller

real life: cant find socks that match video game life: finds every rare item

real life: cant find socks that match video game life: finds every rare item   Butthurt Dweller

Doesn't have a job or go to school Complains if things aren't marked NSFW

Doesn't have a job or go to school Complains if things aren't marked NSFW  Butthurt Dweller

Some men just want to see the world Down voted

Some men just want to see the world Down voted  Butthurt Dweller

i know what it's like to be a hated minority my great grandmother was irish

i know what it's like to be a hated minority my great grandmother was irish  Butthurt Dweller

There's an unflattering photo of her? Wouldn't bang

There's an unflattering photo of her? Wouldn't bang  Butthurt Dweller

Makes posts on the internet claiming how evil capitalism is on his brand new macbook pro

Makes posts on the internet claiming how evil capitalism is on his brand new macbook pro  Butthurt Dweller

two down votes? down. vote. everything.

two down votes? down. vote. everything.  Butthurt Dweller

complains about cell phone tracking his every move never leaves computer desk

complains about cell phone tracking his every move never leaves computer desk  Butthurt Dweller