First World Problems

Got caught up with a new T.V. series. Now I have to wait a week between each episode.

Got caught up with a new T.V. series. Now I have to wait a week between each episode.  First World Problems

My Phone keeps auto-correcting my intentionally misspelled words

My Phone keeps auto-correcting my intentionally misspelled words  First World Problems

too much food in the fridge to fit new groceries

too much food in the fridge to fit new groceries  First World Problems

Flipping back and forth between two shows Both are at commercials

Flipping back and forth between two shows Both are at commercials  First World Problems

I can't sleep Because I slept all day

I can't sleep Because I slept all day  First World Problems

Not enough dressing on my salad now my salad tastes like salad

Not enough dressing on my salad now my salad tastes like salad  First World Problems

There's nothing to drink at home Except a virtually unlimited supply of clean fresh drinking water

There's nothing to drink at home Except a virtually unlimited supply of clean fresh drinking water  First World Problems

My burger shifted while I was eating it Now I have too much bun

My burger shifted while I was eating it Now I have too much bun  First World Problems

Liked song on pandora nickelback listed under similar artists

Liked song on pandora nickelback listed under similar artists  First World Problems

Awww Yeee Chik-Fila Munchies Here I come! Get Half-Way there And Realize its Sunday

Awww Yeee Chik-Fila Munchies
Here I come! Get Half-Way there And Realize its Sunday  First World Problems