Horrifying Houseguest

Monster under the bed? Thank god i'm in the closet

Monster under the bed? Thank god i'm in the closet  Horrifying Houseguest

turning off the lights and going up the basement steps let's race

turning off the lights and going up the basement steps let's race  Horrifying Houseguest

Alone at night? Then who's making all those creaking sounds upstairs?

Alone at night? Then who's making all those creaking sounds upstairs?  Horrifying Houseguest

Part of your body not under the covers? Dibs

Part of your body not under the covers? Dibs  Horrifying Houseguest

I visit you at night Except only your pets see me

I visit you at night Except only your pets see me  Horrifying Houseguest

wake up suddenly for no apparent reason? i will try to keep it down

wake up suddenly for no apparent reason? i will try to keep it down  Horrifying Houseguest

Why are you looking under your bed? I'm waiting in your mirror

Why are you looking under your bed? I'm waiting in your mirror  Horrifying Houseguest

You took 48635 breaths while you slept last night

You took 48635 breaths while you slept last night  Horrifying Houseguest

While you were busy reading this I slipped into your room.

While you were busy reading this I slipped into your room.  Horrifying Houseguest

Forever alone? I don't think so.

Forever alone? I don't think so.  Horrifying Houseguest