
"Okay, I've just got to do one last thing, then I'll get off" 5 HOURS LATER

Accidentally let go of shift "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK"

Accidentally let go of shift

Spend 6 hours designing complex piston and redstone circuitry Turns lights on

Spend 6 hours designing complex piston  and redstone circuitry Turns lights on  Minecraft

Can carry weight in stone can't stack porkchops

Can carry weight in stone can't stack porkchops  Minecraft

Awesome some clay! Never uses

Awesome some clay! Never uses  Minecraft

Hit Ice With Egg Break Ice

Hit Ice With Egg Break Ice  Minecraft

What's over that hill? LOST

What's over that hill? LOST  Minecraft

I'll just mine this coal vein and get back to real life. Find endless cave system

I'll just mine this coal vein and get back to real life. Find endless cave system  Minecraft

Play on Peaceful Still Scared of Caves

Play on Peaceful Still Scared of Caves  Minecraft

Wear Diamond Armor Play On Peaceful

Wear Diamond Armor Play On Peaceful  Minecraft