overly manly man

A Man hit me once I was the last baby he ever delivered.

A Man hit me once I was the last baby he ever delivered.  overly manly man

Muscle Relaxers? YOU MEAN whiskey?

Muscle Relaxers? YOU MEAN whiskey?  overly manly man


Pain Pills? YOU MEAN BITCH MINTS?  overly manly man

Leafy greens? I only eat something that had a mother

Leafy greens? I only eat something that had a mother  overly manly man

Visited the Virgin Islands Now Called "the Islands"

Visited the Virgin Islands Now Called

She broke up with you? YOU MEAN she released you into a sea of cock hungry females?

She broke up with you? YOU MEAN she released you into a sea of cock hungry females?  overly manly man

Bundle up? You mean liquor up

Bundle up? You mean liquor up  overly manly man

Bullet Proof Vest You mean ribcage?

Bullet Proof Vest You mean ribcage?  overly manly man

why would i buy a dishwasher? i married one

why would i buy a dishwasher? i married one  overly manly man

Gyms are for kids to play dodgeball men chop wood and dig ditches to "work out"

Gyms are for kids to play dodgeball men chop wood and dig ditches to