regina george

I like Invented her

I like Invented her   regina george

stop trying to make trickle down government happen It's not going to happen

stop trying to make trickle down government happen It's not going to happen  regina george

stop trying to make Mitt Romney happen It's not going to happen

stop trying to make Mitt Romney happen It's not going to happen  regina george

Stop trying to make gun control happen It's not going to happen.

Stop trying to make gun control happen It's not going to happen.   regina george

You haven't seen the Vagina Monologues? You can't sit with us.

You haven't seen 
the Vagina Monologues? You can't sit with us.  regina george

stop trying to make grumpy cat happen It's not going to happen

stop trying to make grumpy cat happen It's not going to happen  regina george

stop trying to make bing happen it's not gonna happen

stop trying to make bing happen it's not gonna happen  regina george

stop trying to make Bing happen It's not going to happen

stop trying to make Bing happen It's not going to happen  regina george

Really, bitch? Really?!

Really, bitch? Really?!  regina george

Dear qkme_Transcriber, If you dare enter /r/braveryjerk, I'm going to murder you and everyone you love.

Dear qkme_Transcriber, If you dare enter /r/braveryjerk, I'm going to murder you and everyone you love.  regina george
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