retail robin

I won't let you return something you obviously wore try cursing. That'll get you your way.

I won't let you return something you obviously wore try cursing. That'll get you your way.  retail robin

express checkouts: 15 items or less and marked with a sign customer enters during peak period with 80 or more

express checkouts: 15 items or less and marked with a sign customer enters during peak period with 80 or more  retail robin

store closes in two minutes "So that means you're still open right?"

store closes in two minutes

Customer makes fun of your coworker tries to get you to agree

Customer makes fun of your coworker tries to get you to agree  retail robin

Automatically moves item to correct spot on shelf Doesn't work at store

Automatically moves item to correct spot on shelf Doesn't work at store  retail robin

Every single Indian customer "That's too much, can I have discount?"

Every single Indian customer

"It's asking for my email! I don't want to give you my email!!!" Then select the giant red 'NO' button on the pinpad screen..."

Spend entire shift perfect folding a table Customer destroys in 2 minutes

Spend entire shift perfect folding a table Customer destroys in 2 minutes  retail robin

Ask customer if they would like a bag and they angrily say "No" and lecture you about the environment. Next customer...don't offer bag and customer looks at you with disgust and angrily says "Can I get a bag?" Can't win with these people.

Ask customer if they would like a bag and they angrily say

Corporate: You're not allowed to ask the customer any questions. Customer: "Do you have this shirt in my size?" Me: "Maybe"

Corporate: You're not allowed to ask the customer any questions. Customer:
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