scumbag fat girl

wears yoga pants

wears yoga pants  scumbag fat girl

Knows she is fat Constantly brings it up in conversation to make you uncomfortable

Knows she is fat Constantly brings it up in conversation to make you uncomfortable  scumbag fat girl

This girl is a person And you're the scumbag for thinking its ok to make her life a big fucking joke.

This girl is a person And you're the scumbag for thinking its ok to make her life a big fucking joke.  scumbag fat girl

Steals steve's hat doesn't even fit on her fat head

Steals steve's hat doesn't even fit on her fat head  scumbag fat girl

Takes up excessive amounts of space everywhere she goes Taking up excessive amounts of space on front page

Takes up excessive amounts of space everywhere she goes Taking up excessive amounts of space on front page  scumbag fat girl

it's not fair, i don't have time to go to the gym spends hours on tumblr

it's not fair, i don't have time to go to the gym spends hours on tumblr  scumbag fat girl

I don't need to workout I'm wearing shape-ups

I don't need to workout I'm wearing shape-ups  scumbag fat girl

Complains about men being "shallow" Only dates skinny pretty boys and complains about "ugly" guys hitting on her.

Complains about men being

This girl is a person or two

This girl is a person or two  scumbag fat girl

dates a nigger

dates a nigger   scumbag fat girl
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