scumbag fat girl

takes a huge shit at your house leaves

takes a huge shit at your house leaves  scumbag fat girl

Finnaly decides to post to reddit Gonewild

Finnaly decides to post to reddit Gonewild  scumbag fat girl

Signs up for Plenty of Fish Bodytype: A few extra pounds

Signs up for Plenty of Fish Bodytype: A few extra pounds  scumbag fat girl

overhears people commenting on some other girl's weight loss and healthier appearance Butts in on the conversation and comments "bitch must be on adipex"

overhears people commenting on some other girl's weight loss and healthier appearance Butts in on the conversation and comments

decides to surprise you on your birthday by having a few of her friends over and staging a reverse gang bang doesn't get your permission

decides to surprise you on your birthday by having a few of her friends over and staging a reverse gang bang doesn't get your permission  scumbag fat girl

Offers to babysit your kids Eats them

Offers to babysit your kids Eats them  scumbag fat girl

gets asked out by an obese guy "lose some weight first."

gets asked out by an obese guy

"I'm a great listener!" Can hear pudding

claims to run 3 miles every weekend is obese and can't even run 200 meters in P.E

claims to run 3 miles every weekend is obese and can't even run 200 meters in P.E  scumbag fat girl

takes elevator one flight

takes elevator one flight  scumbag fat girl
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