Anti-Joke Chicken

roses are red, violets are blue, i've got a gun get in the van

roses are red,
violets are blue, i've got a gun
get in the van  Anti-Joke Chicken

How come Ghaddafi is suddenly dead? The combination of old age, gunshot wounds and inadequate care at the scene of emergency

How come Ghaddafi is suddenly dead? The combination of old age, gunshot wounds and inadequate care at the scene of emergency  Anti-Joke Chicken

duck walks into bar bartender says "what can i get for you?" the duck doesn't say anything because its a duck

duck walks into bar
bartender says

What is patchman after he delivers his pizza? Because he didn't have underpants on

What is patchman after he delivers his pizza? Because he didn't have underpants on  Anti-Joke Chicken

What building has the most stories? The Burj Dubai

What building has the most stories? The Burj Dubai  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why did Jesus die on the cross? It was probably due to blood loss and shock, as that was a common cause of death in crucifixion

Why did Jesus die on the cross? It was probably due to blood loss and shock, as that was a common cause of death in crucifixion  Anti-Joke Chicken

Why did the apo brother cross the road? he was on his way to a service event

Why did the apo brother cross the road? he was on his way to a service event  Anti-Joke Chicken

What is worse than "No Strings Attached" Lots of things, the Kent State shootings for instance

What is worse than

What did Batman say to Robin before they got in the car? Get in the car.

What did Batman say to Robin before they got in the car? Get in the car.  Anti-Joke Chicken

how do you get rid of 100 black people? shoot them

how do you get rid of 100 black people? shoot them  Anti-Joke Chicken
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