Bad Joke Eel

What did whitney houston die from? Bobby brown

What did whitney houston die from? Bobby brown  Bad Joke Eel

Why did the doctor insist on carrying his phone? He was an oncologist

Why did the doctor insist on carrying his phone? He was an oncologist  Bad Joke Eel

Happy Birthday? More like happy 19 years after your birthday LOLAMirite

Happy Birthday? More like happy 19 years after your birthday LOLAMirite  Bad Joke Eel

Martin luther king once said "i have a dream" i have one too... and it's wet

Martin luther king once said

Do you know why bobby brown left whitney houston's funeral early? he was trying to beat the traffic

Do you know why bobby brown left whitney houston's funeral early? he was trying to beat the traffic  Bad Joke Eel

I started hanging out with a mushroom He's a real fungi

I started hanging out with a mushroom He's a real fungi  Bad Joke Eel

Why was the clothes dryer laughing? The Washing machine was taking the piss out' the underpants.

Why was the clothes dryer laughing? The Washing machine was taking the piss out' the underpants.   Bad Joke Eel

I had some friends teach me to use the internet

 I had some friends teach me to use the internet  Bad Joke Eel

Why do you pokemon in the eye? So they don't Pikachu

Why do you pokemon in the eye? So they don't Pikachu  Bad Joke Eel

PMS jokes are awful just bloody awful

PMS jokes are awful just bloody awful   Bad Joke Eel
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