Bad Joke Eel

Why is Skrillex so bad at fishing? He always drops the bass.

Why is Skrillex so bad at fishing? He always drops the bass.  Bad Joke Eel

Why Did the computer need braces? It had a megabyte.

Why Did the computer need braces? It had a megabyte.  Bad Joke Eel

What do evil chickens lay? deviled eggs

What do evil chickens lay? deviled eggs  Bad Joke Eel

How was the Grand Canyon formed? a Jew droped a penny down a gopher hole.

How was the Grand Canyon formed? a Jew droped a penny down a gopher hole.  Bad Joke Eel

what did the hat say to the hat rack? you stay here, I'll go on a head!

what did the hat say to the hat rack? you stay here, I'll go on a head!  Bad Joke Eel

What does a nosy pepper do? Gets Jalapeno busniess!

What does a nosy pepper do? Gets Jalapeno busniess!  Bad Joke Eel

Knock Knock - who is there -boo - boo who dont cry its only a joke

Knock Knock - who is there -boo - boo who dont cry its only a joke  Bad Joke Eel

So the first dolphin turns to the second and says "sorry bro!" "I didn't do on porpoise!"

So the first dolphin turns to the second and says

what did the mexican say when the house fell on him? get off me homes

what did the mexican say when the house fell on him? get off me homes  Bad Joke Eel

He's some kind of black hercules Niggerles!

He's some kind of black hercules Niggerles!  Bad Joke Eel
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