College Liberal

"Corporations are evil and everything that's wrong with America" 30 years later: CEO of WalMart

Talks bad of religion not being tolerant Refuses to tolerate religion

Talks bad of religion not being tolerant Refuses to tolerate religion  College Liberal

Is a feminist who believes all women should strive to better their male co-workers "I want to marry a rich guy so I don't have to work anymore"

Is a feminist who believes all women should strive to better their male co-workers

only eats raw organic vegetables dips them in ranch dressing

only eats raw organic vegetables dips them in ranch dressing  College Liberal

"Opposed to government intervention" "Supports Chicago and Boston banning Chick Fil A"

Says you're a monster for buying products made in China... While typing on an iPad

Says you're a monster for buying products made in China... While typing on an iPad  College Liberal

Im Sorry. Why is harry potter wearing a wig?

Im Sorry. Why is harry potter wearing a wig?  College Liberal

Radical feminist supports hamas

Radical feminist  supports hamas  College Liberal

   College Liberal

Doesn't take painkillers because they don't trust 'big pharma' Takes drugs

Doesn't take painkillers because they don't trust 'big pharma' Takes drugs  College Liberal
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