College Liberal

Believes cruelty to animals is wrong Forces vegan cat and dog to stay with her so she can't party

Believes cruelty to animals is wrong Forces vegan cat and dog to stay with her so she can't party  College Liberal

"Government has no place legislating the private affairs of citizens" is against polygamy

Hates the cops supports ban on happy meal toys

Hates the cops supports ban on happy meal toys  College Liberal

harsh critic of large corporations has macbook pro

harsh critic of large corporations has macbook pro  College Liberal

complains about what the whites did to the native-Americans supports immigration

complains about what the whites did to the native-Americans supports immigration  College Liberal

attends every environmental conference flies there in an airplane

attends every environmental conference flies there in an airplane  College Liberal

The war on drugs tells people what they are allowed to put into their bodies Aspartame and high fructose corn syrup should be outlawed

The war on drugs tells people what they are allowed to put into their bodies Aspartame and high fructose corn syrup should be outlawed  College Liberal

I'm a 20 year old liberal My political wisdom is beyond reproach!

I'm a 20 year old liberal My political wisdom is beyond reproach!   College Liberal

Calls republicans stupid has never taken an economics class

Calls republicans stupid has never taken an economics class  College Liberal

"Proud vegetarian" leather jacket at the cleaners

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