Condescending Wonka

Oh, I see liked "The Finest Females" on facebook Please tell me of how committed you are to your girlfriend

Oh, I see liked

Oh, so you're a first year? Please tell us about how hard your 200-level courses are.

Oh, so you're a first year? Please tell us about how hard your 200-level courses are.  Condescending Wonka

So going to camp in Orange Beach is lame huh? Please, tell me more about you're awesome summer plans and skyrim.

So going to camp in Orange Beach is lame huh?
 Please, tell me more about you're awesome summer plans and skyrim.  Condescending Wonka

Oh you post pictures of shirtless guys on tumblr Please tell me more about how all guys are perverts

Oh you post pictures of shirtless guys on tumblr Please tell me more about how all guys are perverts  Condescending Wonka

your boobs look average size today you so cant tell you're wearing push up

your boobs look average size today you so cant tell you're wearing push up  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you're ted baillieu? you must know whats best for victorian teachers

Oh, you're ted baillieu? you must know whats best for victorian teachers  Condescending Wonka

You just had a baby at 16? please tell me more about how you're going to be a responsible mother.

You just had a baby at 16? please tell me more about how you're going to be a responsible mother.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you posted another failed relationship quote on facebook Please post more on how it's all the guys fault

Oh, you posted another failed relationship quote on facebook Please post more on how it's all the guys fault  Condescending Wonka

Oh, so subway restaurants now serve avocado? Subway commercials, please tell me more about this amazing new fruit!

Oh, so subway restaurants now serve avocado? Subway commercials, please tell me more about this amazing new fruit!  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you think you're too good for scumbag fat girl posts? please tell us more about how wrong it is to make fun of people

Oh, you think you're too good for scumbag fat girl posts? please tell us more about how wrong it is to make fun of people  Condescending Wonka
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