Confession Bear

I let my bills go to collections on purpose so I can barter with the collectors and pay less

I let my bills go to collections on purpose so I can barter with the collectors and pay less   Confession Bear

I'm a member of the LGBT community But I think that most terms and discussions used by 'genderqueer' people are nothing but pseudointellectual masturbation

I'm a member of the LGBT community But I think that most terms and discussions used by 'genderqueer' people are nothing but pseudointellectual masturbation  Confession Bear

I look forward to that blowjob all year

I look forward to that blowjob all year  Confession Bear

When i see someone with a rage face as their profile picture i immediately lose respect for them

When i see someone with a rage face as their profile picture i immediately lose respect for them  Confession Bear

I hate black rights Because now I have to pay someone to work for me

I hate black rights Because now I have to pay someone to work for me  Confession Bear

I delete all my posts that fail So I don't discourage my future self from trying

I delete all my posts that fail So I don't discourage my future self from trying  Confession Bear

I think T. J. Lane is a badass for what he did in court

I think T. J. Lane  is a badass for what he did in court  Confession Bear

I had my ex harass the girl I loved because I was born with herpes and I didn't want to transfer it to her sexually.

I had my ex harass the girl I loved because I was born with herpes and I didn't want to transfer it to her sexually.  Confession Bear

Once, I got into a big fight with an ex, and I pissed in her bottle of shampoo.

Once, I got into a big fight with an ex, and I pissed in her bottle of shampoo.  Confession Bear

I went to Lending Tree to inquire about refinancing my house just so a bunch of mortgage officers would call and leave me voicemails

I went to Lending Tree to inquire about refinancing my house just so a bunch of mortgage officers would call and leave me voicemails  Confession Bear
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