Engineering Professor

In class: 2 + 3 = 5 Exam: Johnny has five apples and throws one away: Calculate the mass of the sun.

In class: 2 + 3 = 5 Exam: Johnny has five apples and throws one away: Calculate the mass of the sun.   Engineering Professor

doesn't allow notes on exams during the fall and spring semesters "you have enough time to be dedicated on all this material"

doesn't allow notes on exams during the fall and spring semesters

writes an equation full of greek letters never tells you what they mean

writes an equation full 
of greek letters never tells you what they mean  Engineering Professor

make your own damn study guide

make your own damn study guide  Engineering Professor

Class full of English majors teaches them Google Earth and tells them it's useful

Class full of English majors teaches them Google Earth and tells them it's useful  Engineering Professor

Chemistry For engineers? good luck.

Chemistry For engineers? good luck.  Engineering Professor

"I will take your final test average..." "and replace it with your lowest test grade!"

spss just another wank that make smart people appear "smarter" (not needed!)

spss just another wank that make smart people appear

You have to buy a TI 83 and 89 calculator. Can't use them on Test, Quizzes or Homework.

You have to buy a TI 83 and 89 calculator. Can't use them on Test, Quizzes or Homework.  Engineering Professor

"call if you have any questions" number disconnected

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