First World Metal Problems

If, according to Varg, guitars are "nigger instruments"... Would Chuck Schuldiner be a wigger?

If, according to Varg, guitars are

I can Play expert on guitar hero but cant play a real guitar

I can Play expert on guitar hero but cant play a real guitar  First World Metal Problems

I really want to be pissed off about something But my life is pretty alright

I really want to be pissed off about something But my life is pretty alright  First World Metal Problems

Listen to shitty NSBM band for lolz Its REALLY REALLY GOOd

Listen to shitty NSBM band for lolz Its REALLY REALLY GOOd  First World Metal Problems

1,000 views? sellouts

1,000 views? sellouts  First World Metal Problems

I asked what Djent is They shouted THALL

I asked what Djent is They shouted THALL  First World Metal Problems

Just saw the setlist for mayhem 2012

Just saw the setlist for mayhem 2012  First World Metal Problems

Plays thrash metal on acoustic guitar in english class Teacher asks if thats all I listen to. Caption 3 goes here

Plays thrash metal on acoustic guitar in english class Teacher asks if thats all I listen to. Caption 3 goes here  First World Metal Problems

Loves S.o.d. failed english

Loves S.o.d. failed english  First World Metal Problems

wintersun finally releases time after 8 years of waiting only 4 songs on album

wintersun finally releases time after 8 years of waiting only 4 songs on album  First World Metal Problems
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