Regretful Toddler

I can't believe I got laid at age 6

I can't believe I got laid at age 6  Regretful Toddler

Do I want to see the bears or the otters first? Why do I have to make all the decisions for this family?

Do I want to see the bears or the otters first? Why do I have to make all the decisions for this family?  Regretful Toddler

Why didn't I ask what "on purpose" meant before I agreed with mom that I did it that way

Why didn't I ask what

i Just peed my pants In front of julie

i Just peed my pants In front of julie  Regretful Toddler

cant believe I hugged a pedophile in a mickey costume

cant believe I hugged a pedophile in a mickey costume  Regretful Toddler

Hung out with amber two 12 packs and an ounce of weed later

Hung out with amber two 12 packs and an ounce of weed later  Regretful Toddler

Crap Should have worn a diaper today

Crap Should have worn a diaper today  Regretful Toddler

Let's see if this rock is stronger than my skull.

Let's see if this rock is stronger than my skull.  Regretful Toddler

Found the third clue forgot to put it in handy dandy notebook

Found the third clue forgot to put it in handy dandy notebook  Regretful Toddler

Shit my pants Second time today

Shit my pants Second time today  Regretful Toddler
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