Scumbag Obama

Hey Brah want to see some cool osama pics? Sike!

Hey Brah want to see some cool osama pics? Sike!   Scumbag Obama

Stimulus didn't work? Lets try another stimulus

Stimulus didn't work? Lets try another stimulus   Scumbag Obama

nevermind, supreme court says no

 nevermind, supreme court says no  Scumbag Obama

Condemns police brutality to peaceful protesters in middle eastern nations Happens in america; stays quiet

Condemns police brutality to peaceful protesters  in middle eastern nations Happens in america; stays quiet  Scumbag Obama

Hahahahahahahahahahahah.....ahhhhh.... Did you see the look on Osama's face haha......priceless!!!!!!!

Hahahahahahahahahahahah.....ahhhhh.... Did you see the look on Osama's face haha......priceless!!!!!!!  Scumbag Obama

LOL COI crying on the inside

LOL COI crying on the inside  Scumbag Obama

Promises Freedom of Expression Passes a bill called SOPA and banned's every thing against it

Promises Freedom of Expression  Passes a bill called SOPA
and banned's  every thing against it   Scumbag Obama

democrats are so gullible... They still think i'm a liberal!!!

democrats are so gullible... They still think i'm a liberal!!!  Scumbag Obama

tells OKC he'll go to a thunder game no show

tells OKC he'll go 
to a thunder game no show  Scumbag Obama

Crashes Reddit to say he's a bulls fan

Crashes Reddit to say he's a bulls fan  Scumbag Obama
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