Scumbag Obama

does an AMA Doesn't answer any real questions

does an AMA Doesn't answer any real questions  Scumbag Obama

Does an ama Answers 10 questions

Does an ama Answers 10 questions  Scumbag Obama

you think this is a motherfucking game?

you think this is a motherfucking game?  Scumbag Obama

NOT A BLACK STEREOTYPE Actually married to the mother of his children

NOT A BLACK STEREOTYPE Actually married to the mother of his children  Scumbag Obama

dismisses governor palin as "inexperienced" serves one term in senate; "I can has presidency?"

dismisses governor palin as

Earns $250,000 a year Government Still Supports Children

Earns $250,000 a year  Government Still Supports Children  Scumbag Obama

Nobody knows I'm actually a lizard

Nobody knows I'm actually a lizard  Scumbag Obama

Labeled as antibusiness Dow Jones has doubled since he took office

Labeled as antibusiness Dow Jones has doubled since he took office  Scumbag Obama

NOT A BLACK STEREOTYPE 4 years and still owes you change

NOT A BLACK STEREOTYPE 4 years and still owes you change   Scumbag Obama

Says he had 5 more seconds Takes another 2 minutes

Says he had 5 more seconds Takes another
2 minutes  Scumbag Obama
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