Successful Black Man

Let me just finish smoking this bowl of pulled pork for our dinner party

Let me just finish smoking this bowl of pulled pork for our dinner party  Successful Black Man

OH SNAP ! Crackle and Pop are my kids favorite, they love Rice crispy treats

OH SNAP ! Crackle and Pop are my kids favorite, they love Rice crispy treats   Successful Black Man

Black business man good joke

Black business man good joke  Successful Black Man

I deal Crack pushers justice by participating in the neighborhood watch program

I deal Crack pushers justice by participating in the neighborhood watch program  Successful Black Man

I want fried chicken and kool aid to be removed from school lunch menus. it's unhealthy for our children.

I want fried chicken and kool aid to be removed from school lunch menus. it's unhealthy for our children.  Successful Black Man

Not sure if i asked him if he was coming to bed Doesn't brag about creating the world in 7 days

Not sure if i asked him if he was coming to bed Doesn't brag about creating the world in 7 days   Successful Black Man

i've seen a man die when the transplant we performed failed. my condolences to his family

i've seen a man die when the transplant we performed failed. my condolences to his family  Successful Black Man

So I told him, nigger Isn't an appropriate word to use around children

So I told him, nigger Isn't an appropriate word to use around children  Successful Black Man

What do you call a nigger in a suit? NIGGER

What do you call a nigger in a suit? NIGGER  Successful Black Man

I like to beat women to the door so I can hold it open for them

I like to beat women to the door so I can hold it open for them   Successful Black Man
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