And now, a word from Tyler Durden... "Hi, kids! Your band did a cover of a classic rock song? That's neat! Just know that this song will not only outlive all of you, but will continue to make more money than a generation of your families. Combined. Never

And now, a word from Tyler Durden...


And now, a word from Tyler Durden... "Hi, kids! That dick that no one likes because they post spoilers without any kind of warning? All the time? It's you. It is YOU. Be sure to never miss an episode!"

And now, a word from Tyler Durden...

And now, a word from Tyler Duden... "Hi, kids! Don't do drugs. Once you come down from that high, you'll finally realize how shitty your life is. And remember, stay positive!"

And now, a word from Tyler Duden...

And now, a word from Tyler Duden... "Hi, kids! All your friends actually hate you, but just fear being alone as much as you do. Smile at a stranger today!"

And now, a word from Tyler Duden...

And now, a word from Tyler Durden... "Hi, kids! You wrote a poem? Congratulations on inflicting your juvenile, self centered, self loathing, pseudointellectual, rainy day inspired bullshit on others. It's important to have an outlet for your feelings!"

And now, a word from Tyler Durden...

And now, a word from Tyler Durden... "Hi, kids! Your band did a cover of a classic rock song? That's neat! Just know that this song will not only outlive all of you, but will continue to make more money than a generation of your families. Combined. Never

And now, a word from Tyler Durden...

And now, a word from Tyler Durden... "Hi, kids! If your parents are having trouble accepting who you're dating, asks them how they met. Depending on the decade that they grew up in, the story will either involve crack or an orgy. And the abrupt end of thi

And now, a word from Tyler Durden...

And now, a word from Tyler Durden... "Hi, kids! Don't worry about being a virgin. You'll eventually find the right drunk, lonely person. Just make sure that you share a common interest like hating your mother or crying in bed alone at night!"

And now, a word from Tyler Durden...

And now, a word from Tyler Duden... "Hi, kids! You're all going to grow up to not only be just like your parents, but also never accomplish your dreams. Stay in school!"

And now, a word from Tyler Duden...
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