benson, I thirst. procure for me your finest toilet

benson, I thirst.  procure for me your finest toilet - benson, I thirst.  procure for me your finest toilet  Old Money Dog


Benson, I wish to practice my voice be a dear and ring the doorbell for me

Benson, I wish to practice my voice be a dear and ring the doorbell for me

benson please pull the car around i would like to chase it

benson please pull the car around i would like to chase it

benson, i've lost it all in the stock market crash fetch me.. the chocolate

benson, i've lost it all in the stock market crash
 fetch me..
the chocolate

benson, are those fireworks i hear? pack our things. we are fleeing the country

benson, are those fireworks i hear?
 pack our things. we are fleeing the country

winston, please inform me the moment the new carpet has been installed. i would very much like to drag my ass across it.

winston, please inform me the moment the new carpet has been installed. i would very much like to drag my ass across it.

Benson, be a dear and open the sliding glass door I wish to defend my honor against this identical rapscallion

Benson, be a dear and open the sliding glass door I wish to defend my honor  against this identical rapscallion

by god Jeoffrey, is that a vacuum? Call up congress, I declare war

by god Jeoffrey, is that a vacuum? Call up congress, I declare war

Bertram, contact my attorney. I've been falsely accused of flatulence.

Bertram, contact my attorney. I've been falsely accused of flatulence.

Benson, inform me when the mailman is here I have a few words for him

Benson, inform me when the mailman is here  I have a few words for him

My word Reginald, was that a squirrel in the yard? We must alert the townspeople

My word Reginald, was that a squirrel in the yard?
 We must alert the townspeople
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