College Freshman

Yeah i love dubstep only listens to skrillex

Yeah i love dubstep only listens to skrillex  College Freshman

First time to a nightclub wears wristband for 3 days

First time to a nightclub wears wristband for 3 days 
  College Freshman

Goes to Starbucks Is now an expert on Coffee

Goes to Starbucks Is now an expert on Coffee  College Freshman

loses virginity in one-night stand Tells her he loves her

loses virginity in one-night stand Tells her he loves her  College Freshman

Studies for Midterms highlights everything

Studies for Midterms highlights everything  College Freshman

Waits a month to do laundry Takes up all the washers

Waits a month to do laundry Takes up all the
washers  College Freshman

Hangs out with a girl one time buys extra large box of condoms

Hangs out with a girl one time buys extra large box of condoms  College Freshman

"Hey man, hit it and quit it" Has never touched a girl

pours you a beer 90 percent foam

pours you a beer 90 percent foam  College Freshman

People smoked weed on his floor "dude I got such a contact high last night!"

People smoked weed on his floor