Lame Pun Coon

hipsters wear their jackets in the summer before its cool

hipsters wear their jackets in the summer before its cool  Lame Pun Coon

DARTh VADER FRIEND ZONED looking for love in alderaan places

FRIEND ZONED looking for love
in alderaan places  Lame Pun Coon

I took a really hard Calculus test today Now I can barely function

I took a really hard Calculus test today Now I can barely function  Lame Pun Coon

Sometimes I wonder why the frisbee is getting bigger THEN IT HITS ME

Sometimes I wonder why the frisbee is getting bigger THEN IT HITS ME  Lame Pun Coon

Police caught a man robbing a Reynolds Wrap factory. Foiled again.

Police caught a man robbing a Reynolds Wrap factory. Foiled again.  Lame Pun Coon

Bought an 8th during earthquake all shake

Bought an 8th during earthquake all shake  Lame Pun Coon

Heard there was an earthquake in Washington D.C. Obviously the government's fault.

Heard there was an earthquake in Washington D.C. Obviously the government's fault.  Lame Pun Coon

I stayed up all night wondering where the sun had gone Then it dawned on me

I stayed up all night wondering where the sun had gone Then it dawned on me  Lame Pun Coon

I invented a machine to get spice from the future The Thyme Machine

I invented a machine to get spice from the future The Thyme Machine  Lame Pun Coon

Velcro What a rip off

Velcro What a rip off  Lame Pun Coon