Malicious Advice Mallard

Looking at bikini photos on facebook? press 'l' to increase the resolution

Looking at bikini photos on facebook? press 'l' to increase the resolution  Malicious Advice Mallard

You can immediately stop paper cuts and their pain with lemon juice

You can immediately stop paper cuts and their pain
 with lemon juice  Malicious Advice Mallard

Confessing to a murder online? don't worry, you're protected by internet-client privilege

Confessing to a murder online?
 don't worry, you're protected by 
internet-client privilege  Malicious Advice Mallard

If your significant other is angry and frustrated about something tell them to clean up the house, you'll be surprised by their lifted mood and they'll accomplish something.

If your significant other is angry and frustrated about something
 tell them to clean up the house, you'll be surprised by their lifted mood and they'll accomplish something.  Malicious Advice Mallard

meeting a foreign person for the first time? imitate their accent when talking to them. they'll feel more at home.

meeting a foreign person for the first time? imitate their accent when talking to them.  they'll feel more at home.  Malicious Advice Mallard

never want jury duty again? just commit a felony.

never want jury duty again?
 just commit a felony.  Malicious Advice Mallard

Can't decide between your or you're? Use UR, then ur right no matter what

Can't decide between your or you're? Use UR, 
then ur right no matter what  Malicious Advice Mallard

Jalapeno Juice Stinging Your Hands? Rub your eyes. A chemical in tears will neutralize the burn.

Jalapeno Juice Stinging
Your Hands? Rub your eyes.  A chemical in tears will neutralize the burn.  Malicious Advice Mallard

Friendzoned by a girl you liked? Show her how much of a man you are by whining about it like a little bitch.

Friendzoned by a girl you liked? Show her how much of a man you are by whining about it like a little bitch.  Malicious Advice Mallard

in the mood for a nature valley bar? just eat it on your bed for convenience

in the mood for a nature valley bar?
 just eat it on your bed for convenience  Malicious Advice Mallard